Key points to consider for DIY Landlords:
- Do you have a thorough understanding and knowledge of the Residential Tenancies Act and the amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010?
- Do you understand the Landlords obligations?
- Property minimum standards?
- Rules on rent increases?
- Are you aware of break lease fees?
- Protections for domestic violence victims?
- Do you know the correct manner to terminate your tenancy and recover possession without the need for court proceedings?
- Do you realise that as a private landlord you do not have access to tenancy default databases? Tenants listed on these databases target private landlords to avoid the database checks!
We can also provide a let-only service for those who prefer to self-manage their assets. We would however point out that during the term of most inaugural tenancy agreements the cost of our let-only and full-management services are often not vastly different, and you’ll find our management service so stress free and comprehensive that you’ll wonder why you ever did it yourself?